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Top 5 Speech and Language Therapy Tools for Kids

We use heaps of resources in speech and language therapy for toddlers, school-age kids, and adolescents.

These might look like just games or toys on the surface (and essentially they are!) but it is the way they are used by speech therapists that make them important tools.

Below are some of our favourite toys and games we use for speech and language therapy at Mermaid Speech.

Let the fun begin...

Top 5 Speech Language Therapy Kids Tools:

1. Visual Timetables: like these magnetic ones!

These timetables are super engaging and useful because they help a guide a child to know what to expect in their day or specific routine (e.g. toileting).

This can be a lifesaver when a parents' words go ignored, forgotten, or misunderstood, especially due to speech and language problems.

Speech and language therapy for toddlers will frequently incorporate visual supports into sessions because these kids can sometimes do better with pictures than words.

2. Pretend Play Sets: like these!

We're big fans of anything pretend play and these toy food, shopping, and doll/teddy- play sets are on our own Christmas lists!

Pretend play is an important way children learn about their world and it's a natural way to support social-emotional development, language, and cognition.

3. Specific Speech and Language Flashcards: I use these ones

Although things like articulation cards and phonics packs are better used in the actual sessions run by your therapist than your day-to-day home practice, it's always worth asking your speech language pathologist if they have any specific suggestions for your child.

That way, they can also show you how to use them effectively.

These can get expensive so best not to buy before checking first.

You can connect with a therapist here.

4. Interactive Toys: check them out

While we're not huge fans of electronic toys, some interactive toys - particularly those that involve turn-taking - can be unbeatable in speech therapy sessions.

Particularly the games that have several parts to put together or an element of anticipation/surprise! Pop-up Pirate will ALWAYS be a classic for our kids speech therapy sessions.

5. Movement and Sensory Equipment: like such

There's no better way to engage in learning than through movement and sensory play! Here's a short video that shows why movement is important.

Whatever resource we go with, the most important element will always be the fun and connection.

So long as there's joy and engagement it really doesn't matter what toy or tool is used in speech and language therapy sessions.

Please note, we do not receive any compensation or incentive to share these fabulous resources, they are simply personal favourites.

These resources will not - either directly or indirectly - improve a child's speech, language, communication or social skills in and of themselves. They are considered one tool of many that may be trialled in speech therapy to facilitate multiple suggestions by a qualified and registered professional.

If you're looking for more cost-effective solutions, check out these free resources.


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